Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Success

Debi Gaitan


作为澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区(ACD)负责学生成功的临时副校长, Deborah Gaitan provides strategic leadership for the planning, implementation, expansion, 以及对全区学生成功项目的评估. 她的重点是扩大以证据为基础的实践,以增强从入学到保留和完成的整体学生体验.

VCSS盖坦领导建立ACD学生支持目标, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs), developing, implementing, 协调全区支持自闭症学生的项目. As a highly collaborative leader, 她擅长在多个选区建立有效的关系,并有卓越的组织解决问题的记录.


Prior to her current role, VCSS盖坦在西北远景学院(NVC)担任过各种领导职务。, including Interim President. During her tenure, 雷士取得了许多“历史最佳”的成就, including record enrollment, retention, and transfer rates. 在她任职雷士期间,学院的招生人数从200人激增至1.8万多人. 她在发展学院的使命方面发挥了关键作用, vision, values, 和试金石,并在AlamoADVISE等战略项目上合作, AlamoENROLL, and AlamoEXPERIENCE, fostering a spirit of collaboration, joy, and student-centeredness.

作为NVC负责学生成功的副总裁, 她领导的许多倡议赢得了州和国家的赞誉. 她在阿拉莫地区的马尔科姆·鲍德里奇质量倡议中发挥了领导作用, 指导雷士集团完成2018年全国实地考察及后续获奖. 在Pathways领导委员会的创建和启动期间,她担任负责学生成功的副总裁, 负责澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区五所学院的指导路径策略. Additionally, 她对行政学院理事会作出了重大贡献, 哪一个能促进共享治理和决策, 增加了毕业率的显著增长.

盖坦还领导了雷士的战略招生计划团队, focusing on opportunities for enrollment, retention, persistence, degree completion, and transition to university or workforce. She is an advocate for AlamoPROMISE, 努力消除本地学生接受高等教育的经济障碍. 她在整个澳门正规博彩十大排行平台实施学生倡导和资源中心方面发挥了至关重要的作用, 为面临食物困难的学生提供必要的支持, clothing, and housing insecurities.

Before joining Alamo Colleges, VCSS盖坦在学校社区和圣安东尼奥积极解决方案的非营利部门担任领导角色, 帮助年轻人克服教育障碍,接受高等教育. 她在圣母湖大学开始了她的高等教育生涯, serving as a recruiter, advisor, and associate director. Recently, 她通过在行政领导等领域提供咨询,扩大了自己的影响力, strategic planning, strategic enrollment management, quality enhancement, building successful and high performing teams, facilitation, cycles of improvement, work/life balance, and leading through change.

VCSS Gaitan attended St. Philip's College, Texas Tech University, the University of Texas at San Antonio, and Our Lady of the Lake University, 获得社会学和人文科学学位,并获得哈佛大学教育管理学院颁发的证书.