Student Life

Make the most of your college experience.



Attend events ranging from cultural, educational, 而娱乐活动以服务型和休闲活动为主. 加入一个俱乐部,与与你有共同兴趣的同学联系, or join a new group you think sounds interesting. Looking to hone your leadership skills? 考虑作为帕洛阿尔托学院学生政府协会的一部分代表学生团体. 在帕洛阿尔托学院,每个人都有一个参与的地方.

To learn more about student clubs, organizations, and upcoming Student Life events, visit AlamoExperience. 只需使用您的ACES ID登录,并搜索“PAC学生生活”. 


Clubs & Organizations

For a complete list of clubs and organizations, log in to AlamoExperience, and navigate to the "Organizations" tab. To view Palo Alto College clubs and organizations, filter your search by selecting the "Palo Alto College" branch. 

Student Life Forms

To view the most recent Student Life forms, log in to AlamoExperience using your ACES ID, and search for "PAC Student Life". Then, click the "View all forms" button. 

Palo Alto College Mascot Request Form

Interested in booking Primo or Prima! Please complete the form to request a Primo appearance. 申请应在活动开始前至少两周提交. 请预留3至4个工作日处理您的请求. Feel free to contact 210-486-3125 or if you have any questions.

Student ID


  • 您必须有您的旗帜ID和您的驾驶执照或州ID的副本.
  • PAC must be your home school.
  • You must be currently enrolled.


  • 签发学生证正本不收取任何费用.
  • A $10.00 fee is required for a replacement Student ID. 
Student Activities Fee 

Student Activities Fee 

  • 学生活动费是根据学生的大学学时计算的. 学生每学期注册一个学时需支付3美元.
  • 学生活动费用用于支持我们的学生进行不同的活动,包括但不限于:领导能力, clubs, organizations, sports, fitness, wellness, on/off-campus activities, speakers, events, and more!
  • 学生活动费用咨询委员会(SAFAC)由五名学生和四名教职员工组成,由九名成员组成. 最多四名无投票权的学生候补可以被任命(或在没有学生会的情况下选举)到委员会. 
    • SAFAC每月第三个星期三下午3:30至5:00开会.m. via zoom.
      • November 17, 2020, Meeting Packet 
      • December 15, 2020, Meeting Packet
      • January 19, 2021, Meeting Packet
      • February 16, 2021, Meeting Packet 
      • March 16, 2021
      • April 20, 2021
      • May 18, 2021
      • Summer dates are tentative
      • 会议包可以在AlamoEXPERIENCE PAC Student Life的文件下找到
  • Zoom link
  • PAC学生活动费用委员会资助申请- 2021/2022
  • 学生活动费用咨询委员会(SAFAC)资助申请必须在预定会议召开前至少一周提交.
  • Travel requests must be submitted 60 days prior to travel, 活动申请必须在活动开始前至少8周提交.
  • 资金必须只用于帕洛阿尔托学院的学生谁表明PAC作为他们的家学校.
Campus Expression
  • 帕洛阿尔托学院认识到,言论和表达自由以及和平集会的权利是基本权利,也是其教育使命的核心. This procedure constitutes the “policy” required by Section 51.《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》第9315(f)条详细规定了学生在表达性活动方面的权利和责任. Consistent with Section 51.9315(f), 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台和其他学院区建筑的公共户外区域被视为传统的公共论坛, subject to reasonable restrictions of time, place, and manner of expressive activity.
  • Please refer to Alamo College District's Policy F.9.1. and Procedure F.9.1.1 for more information.
  • 如果你想在校园预留一个空间进行表达活动, please fill out this form (F.9.1.1.A). 将表格发邮件至学生生活部学生生活部临时主任朱迪思·门查卡-莉莉
    • 如果你对校园里的表达活动受到干扰有投诉,请填写这张表格 form (F.9.1.1.B).
    • 请将表格电邮至学生生活部学生生活部临时主任 and someone will contact you within 24 hours. 
Community Garden
Photo of the Community Garden

社区花园通过园艺和堆肥促进健康生活和可持续发展. It offers workshops, events, 和工作日来教育和提高帕洛阿尔托社区的意识.

Learn more

Community Garden Day

每周二在帕洛阿尔托学院发现社区园艺的乐趣! 加入我们,体验与他人一起培育美丽和可持续发展的花园的乐趣和成就感.

Meet the Team

Photo of  Judith MenchacaJudith Menchaca
Interim Director of Student of Student Life


Santos Gutierrez
Sr. Advisor


Crystal Rodriguez
Administrative Services Specialist



PAC Student Government Association (SGA)


Mission: 作为帕洛阿尔托学生政府,我们的使命是教育学生了解他们在我们学校拥有的权利, fight for the benefits they can use, 帮助学生从他们在PAC的时间成为最好的人.

For more information about SGA meetings and events visit the AlamoEXPERIENCE website.


Location: College Student Center (CSC) 115

Hours of Operation:
Spring 2024 Semester
Monday – Thursday 10 a.m.–3 p.m.

SGA Meeting Schedule

Spring 2024 Meeting Schedule

  1. March 7, 2024 3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
  2. March 21, 2024 3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
  3. April 4, 2024 3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
  4. April 18, 2024 3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
  5. May 2, 2024 3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
  6. May 16, 2024 3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
SGA Officers and Advisor
  • Jennifer Flores, SGA Advisor
  • Logan Martinez, SGA President/ SDC Primary Delegate
  • Kayla Muzquiz, SGA Vice President/ SDC Secretary
  • karen Morin,商务和财政部长/ SDC副代表
  • Angelica Juarez, Executive Officer of Senators
  • Athena Rangel, Executive Officer of Public Relations 
  • Charles Clavijo, Executive Officer of Campus Services
  • Domenique Robledo, Executive Officer of Academic Success
  • Julianna Arocha, Executive Officer of Student Life


Contact Information:

Judith Menchaca
Interim Director of Student of Student Life 



Santos Gutierrez
Sr. Advisor


Crystal Rodriguez
Administrative Services Specialist  
