
圣安东尼奥学院, 评估, and publishes multiple 措施 of student success aligned to the 大学’s Mission through its strategic planning process. As a mission-driven institution, all things begin and end with the college mission. As part of the college’s commitment to continuous improvement, the Strategic Quality Enhancement Committee (SQEC) whose sole purpose is to advance the 大学 Strategic Plan, reviewed and revised the Mission Statement.

The Mission Statement approved by the Board of Trustees is as follows:

To empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of all 圣安东尼奥学院 Students through equitable educational practices for diverse populations in a globally networked society. To help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, 转移, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, 沟通能力, 领导能力, 个人和公民责任, 经验和定量理解, 性能水平, and the ability to work effectively in teams.

每年秋季和春季学期, 自2014年以来, the entire college has participated in a day-long event recognized as 囊的分数 as part of SAC’s commitment to continuous improvement. 整个SAC分数日, departments participate in analysis and evaluation of 战略规划, 学生学习评估, 和关键绩效指标(kpi).

As part of the strategic planning 评估ment, 参与者评估个体, 程序, 部门, 以及适当的大学水平数据. 大学水平的进步, SAC战略计划, is ultimately documented on the SAC学生成功衡量标准 Scorecard.

2019年春天, 一组利益相关者(学生), 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, 受托人, 社区领袖, 教育合作伙伴, 地区合作伙伴, 大学的合作伙伴, and local political leaders) participated in a SWOT analysis, which resulted in establishing the college’s four Strategic Priorities: 1. 学生成功,2. 原则为中心的领导. 卓越表现及4. 股本. The SQEC then identified and published the SAC 2019-2022 Strategic Plan with the mission, 愿景, 值, 优先事项和目标. 战略计划目标, 措施, 基准, 目标, and outcomes are published on the SAC学生成功衡量标准 Scorecard after each 囊的分数.

优先事项1的重点. Student Success is achieved through the following three goals:

目标 1 – 实现更高的入学率, 持久性, 课程完成率, 订婚, 国际贸易中心毕业率, and total number of awards (certificates and degrees) across all student groups.

目标 2 – Achieve and sustain excellent student and college support services, 提供世界级课程, and high-quality instruction to create a best place to learn environment.

目标3 -继续发展, 评估, and improve data-informed pathways to support student academic success and career planning, 为了促进公平.

学生成功的优先事项, 目标, and respective 措施 are listed in the following Table: Alignment of Student Achievement Measures to Strategic Plan.

Table: Alignment of Student Achievement Measures to Strategic Plan

 优先级  目标  测量(s)


维持, 评估, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, 增加保留, and guide and support student success through completion.

目标1: 实现更高的入学率, 持久性, 课程完成率, 订婚, 国际贸易中心毕业率, and total number of awards (certificates and degrees) across all student groups.


  1. 招生
  2. 持久性
  3. 课程完成率, CCR, (number of students at the end of course) and Productive Grade Rate, PGR
  4. 订婚
  5. 工业贸易中心毕业率
  6. Total Number of Awards (certificates and degrees)
 优先级  目标  测量(s)


维持, 评估, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, 增加保留, and guide and support student success through completion.

目标2: Achieve and sustain excellent student and college support services, 提供世界级课程, and high-quality instruction to create a best place to learn environment.


  1. 传输速率
  2. 就业率
  3. 招生 in high-wage high-demand 程序s



 优先级  目标  测量(s)


维持, 评估, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, 增加保留, and guide and support student success through completion.

目标3: 继续发展, 评估, and improve data-informed pathways to support student academic success and career planning, 为了促进公平.


  1. AlamoADVISE completion average of Individual Success Plan (ISP), 个人使命陈述(MMS), 接触点15, 30, 45小时
  2. Number of 教师 and 工作人员 having participated in equity training


Access the SAC学生成功衡量标准 Scorecard